March 9, 2025


Guest Post Out Reach Services

LEDs Meaning on Rock Space WiFi Extender

The LEDs on Rock Space WiFi extender indicates different status. Knowing the LEDs meaning on the extender is really important because if you experience issues with your Rock space device you can easily fix it.

For instance, if the power LED on your Rock Space WiFi extender is red, then not only one but there can be many reasons behind it.

Here, in this post, we have provided the LED behavior of your Rock Space device along with the reasons and fixes so that you can easily troubleshoot the issue whenever you face problems with the extender. Let’s read!

The Power LED

If the power LED on your Rock Space WiFi extender is stable, then it means that the device is powered on and ready for use.

If the power LED on your Rock Space WiFi extender is blinking, then it means that it is still booting and you need to wait for some time.

If the power LED on your Rock Space if off, then it means that insufficient power is being supplied to it. In that case, you have to unplug the extender, wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in again.

What’s More? To fix blinking or no power LED issue on your Rock Space WiFi extender, you have to make sure that the wall plug to which it is plugged in is well working.

Now, to check whether your extender is working fine or not, access the rock space login page. If the device is working fine, you won’t face issues while accessing it. Here’s to hope that you have created rock space login account? If not, then without delay create one. 

Doing so will allow you to manage, control, and access your Rock Space WiFi extender from anywhere.

Some users misinterpret Rock Space with rackspace and try accessing rackspace email login. That’s wrong, for your information.


If the WPS LED on your Rock Space WiFi extender is on or stable, it means that WPA or WPA2 security is enabled.

If the WPS LED on your Rock Space WiFi extender is blinking, then it means that the WPS connection you have made is successful.

If you get no WPS LED, then it clearly indicates that WPA or WPA2 security is not enabled and the WPS connection between your router and the extender is not successful.

In that case, you have to make sure that the router you are using supports the WPS feature.

The Signal LED

The signal LED indicates the connection between your Rock Space WiFi extender and router.

If the signal LED is solid red, then the connection between your devices is very poor. For rock space wifi extender setup process, it is very important to make a good connection between the devices.

In that case, what you can do:

  • Connect the devices using an Ethernet cable. Wireless source will not work while performing rock space wifi extender setup.
  • Update the firmware of your Rock Space WiFi extender.
  • Replace your existing router (if it is not compatible with your Rock Space extender).
  • Upgrade your internet plan and also ask your ISP to update the router (if needed).

If you are getting no signal LED, then it’s better to relocate your devices. After rockspace wifi extender setup process (if successful) you have to place your devices in reach of each other and connect them wirelessly.

You also have to ensure that there aren’t any WiFi networks active nearby your locality. If you find any, then:

  • Hit the WiFi icon
  • Click on WiFi Connections > More Wi-Fi Settings > Manage Known Networks
  • Reaching here, will display the list of the WiFi networks active near to your extender’s range. Keep clicking on Forget! Doing so will disconnect all the unknown networks from your WiFi list. Once you are done, click on Add Network and let the extender’s SSID display on the top.

Note: The options may vary upon the device you are using.

Once your router is connected to the extender’s SSID, you will get stable green light on the Signal LED of your Rock Space device.

Can we hope that you are now aware of the LED behavior on your Rock Space WiFi extender? Will the fixes provided here help you to troubleshoot problems with your range extender and the LEDs situated on it? Shoot your comments.