January 13, 2025


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Why Montessori Curriculum is the Best Educational System of the 21st Century

The Montessori education system is growing in popularity and gaining ground in schools in Sarjapur, Bangalore, India. The system is based on a set of educational principles that are designed to meet a child’s specific learning needs. It emphasizes a child’s development as an individual and respects his/her natural curiosity for discovery.

What is the Montessori curriculum?

The Montessori method is a child-centered approach to education and learning. The goal is to foster independence and self-motivation in children through work and play while providing a stimulating environment where they can learn how to master skills.

Maria Montessori developed the Montessori method in the early 1900s. She wanted to create an educational system that would support the development of children’s natural abilities and allow them to be creative, independent learners.

The Montessori curriculum consists of three levels of education: pre-primary, elementary and advanced. Each level has its own curriculum, which is broken into specific areas of study called ‘disciplines.’ The disciplines include practical life skills, sensory training, language, mathematics, science, and history.

Principles of the Montessori Curriculum

The Montessori curriculum is based on the principle that every child has a unique learning style and pace. It also believes in the idea of hands-on learning, which is why children are often encouraged to explore their environment by touching and manipulating materials.

The Montessori philosophy is based on a few guiding principles:

Individualized Education – The Montessori approach focuses on the child’s needs as an individual. This allows for a flexible, developmentally appropriate curriculum for each student.

Formal and Informal Learning – The Montessori approach encourages both formal (teacher-directed) and informal (child-directed) learning. The classroom environment supports both types of learning through the use of special materials, like the Montessori easel, that allow students to work independently while still being supported by the teacher.

Materials – The Montessori approach uses materials that are specially designed to engage students’ interests and guide their development. These include sensory tables, blocks, number boards, and more.

Exploration – Children are encouraged to learn through observation, communication with others, and hands-on exploration of their surroundings. This allows them to become independent thinkers who can problem-solve independently throughout life.

Children discovering themselves – One of the most significant distinctions between Montessori and traditional education is that children in Montessori are given the opportunity to discover the solution for themselves. This fosters a lifetime enjoyment of learning as a self-directed process of problem-solving and discovery, as well as a far deeper learning experience.

Respect for others – The adult-child interaction is reframed in Montessori education, with the youngster at the center of his own learning. Teachers in Montessori classrooms see students as unique and distinctive people. They teach youngsters to respect the people and objects in their environment, and as the child gets older, to respect and grasp the interrelationship of all living and nonliving things, resulting in a deep knowledge of the complicated web of human life in the teenager.

Benefits of implementing Montessori at schools in Sarjapur, Bangalore

There are many benefits to implementing this method of education in schools in Sarjapur. One benefit is that it teaches children how to learn on their own without the need for constant supervision or instruction from teachers. For example, in the Montessori method, we give children tasks to complete which develop self-confidence and self-esteem in children.

In the Montessori method, children work at their own pace from one task to another. In this way, students work independently because personal interests motivate them. Children do not need constant instructions from a teacher because they enjoy learning about new things on their own.

If each child is guided by his or her inner motivation, then he or she will be successful in school without much guidance from a teacher. The child learns how to work out problems and overcome difficulties on his or her own; consequently, he or she develops self-reliance and self-motivation, which will help them succeed as adults.

Finally, the Montessori method does not use grades because there is no reward for doing well or punishment for doing poorly; instead, the student is supposed to learn for himself or herself. This form of education teaches children how to learn on their own with minimal guidance from adults in a non-competitive environment.


We are all too aware of the pressures that children face today, from academics, extracurricular activities, social media, etc. This can lead them away from being children. One way that parents can help their children be kids again is by giving them more unstructured playtime where they can just be themselves. And in that case, the Montessori curriculum is the best educational program that parents can provide for their children’s development.