October 22, 2024


Guest Post Out Reach Services

What is digital health, and how does it help your well-being?

More and more people decide, year after year, to get all the comforts of digital health, and it is an option with a wide variety of tools and facilities to achieve unique and personalized online care. In that sense, it is a growing market.

For this reason, at Sanitas Consulting, we want to explain what it consists of, what all its variants are, and the benefits of having NPI insurance that protects you from this type of medical situation. Are you ready? Write it all down to get the one that best suits your needs.

What is digital health, and what does it consist of?

Digital health is a modality of medicine that treats patients’ health problems through a series of tools or technologies connected to the network, such as web pages, online procedures, documentation, specialized platforms, or video calls.

In this way, we cannot summarize this discipline in a single aspect, but all the procedures that are oriented to the recognition and protection of the health of an individual with online treatments by professionals of their respective branches are located within this category.

All these procedures allow time to be optimized and personalized patient care., which is why it has become a sector that is increasingly valued by the beneficiaries.

Why is it essential to have a digital health plan in Spain?

There are a wide variety of reasons why this type of discipline is taking its place in the sector, and it is that it not only reduces the attention time in online consultations but also offers the possibility of digitizing administrative processes and having the patient’s clinical history always at hand. In recent times, with the arrival of COVID-19 and the confinement of the population in their homes, the importance of digital health in Spanish homes has become clear, and we have discovered new ways to help those who went out into the street was a direct danger. Consult your symptoms to a specialist through a video call, request an appointment on its platform, and carry out a personalized follow-up of your file to detect possible medical concerns, which have allowed a large number of people not to leave their homes and put themselves at risk. This is why we have taken sides at Sanitas Consulting, offering basic and developed plans for all those who need the best health care at home.

Tools for digital health: innovations in the sector

Many of you may wonder: what tools allow you to carry out digital health procedures? Over time, professionals in the sector have managed to adapt medical routines to technology, offering unique plans to patients.

Would you like to meet them? Below, we explain some of them so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs as a client:

Digital medical advice

Have you started to have certain symptoms, but you don’t have transportation to go to your nearest health center? From now on, you will be able to request an appointment online with your GP (or with the specialist who accompanies you in your medical history) and make a consultation video call on the established date.

In this way, both doctor and patient will optimize their time and will be able to benefit from the ability of technologies to simplify the transmission, collection, and storage of information.

Digitization of procedures

In the same way that we can have a conversation with our health worker to explain what is happening to us, the automation of processes and services will make it possible to streamline procedures that, until now, had meant long waiting days.

Do you need to present or request certain documentation, but they make you wait weeks for it? 

Updated medical platform

The optimization of health platforms has been the main reason for the digitization of online procedures. A fast web page with an internal architecture for guidance and with the facility to upload documentation or other files speeds up procedures.

Digital health devices and apps

Over the last few years of digital transformation, new forms of communication have been created in the market, which have allowed evolution in many specialties, such as, in this case, medicine.

For this reason, today, we can enjoy highly specialized digital health apps for their respective objectives, such as controlling the physical complexion of our body, keeping track of visible symptoms, or even our menstruation.

However, health professionals also have more specialized digital health apps to establish diagnoses or manage the control of your patient’s clinical history. You can even maintain a direct relationship with the patient.

Benefits of having a digital health service

There are advantages to having a digital health plan to protect your well-being! Once you have acquired the one that best suits your needs, you will be able to enjoy extensive benefits in your security. Here we list some of them:

  • Optimization of the patient’s time and effort, even more so when their clinical situation does not allow them to go outside their home.
  • Thanks to the increased interest in health systems and procedures for our health, the patient is trained and educated more.
  • The efficiency of diagnoses increases due to technologies, so that, in the same way, the treatments will be more appropriate.
  • Decrease in the health gap, since it ends with displacement, and everyone will be able to go to a specialized clinic according to what they require.

Do you already know all the benefits of getting a digital health plan? In that case, at Sanitas Consulting, we have the best policies on the market to protect your integrity and well-being, applying advanced and innovative medical procedures.

In addition, you will have access to a wide variety of promotions and the possibility of having a specialized team of toilets and workers who will ensure your safety at all times. Are you going to run out of yours?