March 4, 2025


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Comprehensive Guide to Yoga Teacher Training

RYT 500

So, you have been practicing yoga from the last 3 years and want to learn more of it? Well! You are ready to take the next step in yoga training, .i.e sign up for a certified yoga teacher training.

However, keep in mind that enrolling in a yoga teacher training and going through the entire process are two different things. In other words, absorbing so much information and teaching it is not a cakewalk.

Preparing for a yoga teacher training goes a lot deeper than practicing asanas and Pranayama.

That said, yoga experts have come up with a guide to help you choose a yoga teacher training.

Tips to Prepare for Yoga Teacher Training

Whether you are just starting out the yoga teaching career or want to become RYT 500, these tips will help you prepare for the YTT (Yoga Teacher Training).

1. Know Beginner Yoga Poses

To become a certified yoga teacher you don’t need to possess knowledge of every yoga technique. However, you should familiarize yourself with basic yoga asanas like Mountain pose, Downward Dog pose, Warrior and Plank pose. Doing this gives you an idea about the basics of yoga.

2. Practice Yoga Daily

To reap the maximum benefits of the RYT 500 program you should prepare in advance. This means you should start a daily yoga practice which includes asanas and Pranayama. It helps you develop a habit of yoga and prepare for longer yoga practice hours.

3. Get to Know the Course

Before you sign up for the yoga teacher training program, gather as much information about the program as possible. Research on what the course offers and the qualifications of the lead yoga teacher. Yoga experts recommend that you try interviewing the previous graduates of the yoga school to get an idea about how it feels to be a part of the program.

4. Keep a Journal

To become an RYT 500 is about possessing in-depth knowledge of yoga theory and practice. For this to occur you have to remember every lesson taught during the YTT. Yoga professionals recommend that you keep a journal to take notes during every yoga class. The journal gives you space for personal reflection and employ tools for deeper yoga practice.

5. Remove Distractions

For you to dive deeper into yoga and make teaching yoga a reality, there should not be any hurdles. Make sure you keep all digital devices outside the yoga practice zone as the incessant ringing will make it harder for you to focus on the practice.

6. Identify Your Learning Style

Some yoga practitioners focus better when they highlight or use a fidget during yoga sessions while others find it hard to follow the basic instructions. Identifying your learning style helps you make the most of the yoga teacher training and become an RYT 500 with ease.

However, for you to become an RYT 500 and share this knowledge with others, you should choose the right place.

Tips to Choose the Right YTT

Yoga experts have come up with a few simple tips you should keep in mind while looking for a yoga teacher training program.

1. The Cost

Just like there are numerous styles of yoga, there is no dearth of yoga schools around the world. There are programs aimed at those looking for a premium yoga learning experience and there are those which cater to a more economic section of yoga lovers. You should always stick to a budget when looking for a yoga school as no one wants to learn yoga by going bankrupt.

2. The Teachers

Before you say yes to a YTT for becoming an RYT 500 do a thorough research on the yoga teachers. Make sure the yoga instructors at the school are certified enough to be teaching this ancient art in theory and practice. Find out about their teaching experience so that you feel comfortable and at ease during their class.

3. The Duration

All yoga teacher training programs have different time durations. Some take place on a monthly basis while others only on the weekends. You should take into consideration the time required for homework assignments, and personal yoga practice outside of the classroom.

Make sure the program offers enough time for you to learn as well as showcase your ability to teach this sacred art to others.

Make sure you follow these tips when looking for a yoga teacher training program.

Is There Anything I Need to Avoid?

With the advent of social media and YouTube, there has been an influx of yoga schools across the world. The difference is that many of these offer online yoga training programs.

You might learn yoga by sitting in the comfort of your home but that comes at a cost. The cost is that you do not get to experience the atmosphere of an actual yoga class. Moreover, there is no way you can demonstrate yoga teaching skills without someone coming to learn from you.


Do you want to become a fully certified yoga teacher? Enroll in a yoga alliance certified and sign up for the RYT 500 program. This will give you the opportunity to learn yoga in theory and practice.