March 6, 2025


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Value Of Philanthropy In Organization

Value Of Philanthropy In Organization

If you are passionate to support your community and society through your business by doing philanthropy work then it will give a lot of benefits to you and your business too. A lot of people and organizations do social giving through donations, volunteering, and philanthropy to help others and make this world a better place to live. When your business offer philanthropy works to your community then it not only help the people in the community but also offers others a sense of social responsibility and moral duty. Doing good will attract more to join your cause and help in improving the lives of others. Moez Kassam is one of the best examples of a successful business leader who is passionate about philanthropy work; he is also the co-founder of Anson Funds. Moez Kassam is an active member of the Young Presidents Organization and in 2018 was honored to be counted among Canada’s Top 40 fewer than 40.

Here are some values of philanthropy in an organization:

Increase sales:

“Never respect men merely for their riches, but rather for their philanthropy; we do not value the sun for its height, but for its use,” said Gamaliel Bailey, an American physician who left that career to become an abolitionist journalist, editor, and publisher, working primarily in Cincinnati, and Washington, D.C.

A report suggests that more than 90% of customers believe that businesses that offer philanthropy work have better products and services than others. Customers will try to connect with the business that is passionate about helping their community and share their fair price towards supporting the cause. Also, customers will bring more people towards the business and this will help to increase the sales. The more your business gives back, the more people will know about it and it will gradually increase your business growth and sales altogether.

Attract top talents:

With the change in time, employees are not just focusing on getting a job but they want the value related to the job. It is seen that more the 68% of employees are attracted to the business that is actively participating in giving back through donations and philanthropy work. This means that philanthropy work can help your business attract more skilled and talented employees than your competitors, and you employees will make sure to offer their share in supporting your cause through volunteering work.

Improve brand image:

This is obvious that if your business is passionate about helping others and making this work a better place then it will automatically put a positive impact on your brand reputation and image. Your good deed will help you attract more new customers and clients towards the business, with your passion for philanthropy work your customers stay satisfied and happy with the business. Your happy customers will make sure to share good feedback about your business and this will help to improve your brand image and reputation in the market.

Increase employee engagement and productivity:

Philanthropy work through your business will increase employees’ engagement in the business that will help in increasing 21% chances of getting successful in your business than your competitors. Employees stay happy and satisfied with the business that is actively helping their community in improving the lives of people in the community. This will allow your employees to share their part in supporting the cause of the organization and it will also increase productivity and engagement at the workplace.