February 17, 2025


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Have a Business Plan Written for a Restaurant? Note 4 Important Things

You have big plans and want to start your own restaurant. You have been dreaming about this for a long time and have also discussed these dreams with a number of people in your area. You become more and more convinced that this is what you want. Time to turn your dreams into concrete plans. With a business plan, you map out exactly what your plans and ideas are, based on research. These 4 things are important.


It is important to think about the concept of your restaurant. This concept should be worked out as clearly and extensively as possible. It is important that you take into account a number of characteristics that together form the concept of your restaurant. These characteristics include the service, the menu, the kitchen, the drink selection and the ambiance. You will describe these characteristics in detail in the business plan for your restaurant. With this, you ultimately form the concept of your restaurant. If you shape this concept into a mood board, you will gradually form a real picture of your restaurant. And that is also very interesting information for the reader of the plan!

Competition research

It is good to research how the market works and to include this in your business plan. Part of this is that you look at your competitors. What are the differences between your restaurant and that of the competitor? What makes your concept unique? When choosing which competitors to describe, look at their concepts. You can also describe a restaurant that is slightly outside your concept, preferably in a somewhat higher segment. It works best to make an analysis by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Components you can include location, target audience, menu, food (taste and presentation), online presence, and social media.


In a business plan for a restaurant, you cannot ignore the guests. If you attract the right guest, the chances of success are high. It is, therefore, important that you know a lot about your (potential) guests. Describe them thoroughly. Who are they, and where are they located? Do they come to you for a drink, or do they also come to eat? Do they enjoy trying out new dishes, are they adventurous, or do they come to network or catch up? Are they coming with the family or with business associates? All important information that you should investigate and include in your business plan. From this research, you can get input on how you can best reach your customers. It, therefore, forms the basis for your marketing.


People can only spend their money once, so the competition is not only in the hospitality industry but also in holidays or new clothes, for example. Describe how you come to the attention of the target group. Where can you reach them, and how? Most likely, social media will play a role because people often use it as a source of information. So make sure you are present with fun promotions. This may be outside your comfort zone, but you can inform and welcome your guests through social media. It is not wise to ignore this in your marketing plan.

Do you have questions regarding the above article? Or would you like to have a restaurant business plan sample written? Maven business plans is happy to help you.

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