March 13, 2025


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Difference between nepotism and chronism?

What is nepotism:

Nepotism is that relatives, friends, or close friends are given more in favor of community service or recognition without being assessed for their ability to have the job to be done .

In view of the above, it should be clarified that nepotism and favoritism are different, as favoritism does not mean that the preferred person is related to a family member or a close person.

The word nepotism is of Latin origin nepotis or nepos , meaning “nephew” or “grandson.” The word was originally used in the context of the pope ’s relationship with relatives , especially his nephews , as he was raised as a child, and based on this, some popes are known to advertise relatives as ecclesiastical cardinals. . Therefore, in the seventeenth century, the papacy forbade the religious investment of relatives .

Nepotism is observed in different contexts of history. In the Roman Empire, Pompey gave the troops or militias of Metellus Scipio 2, whether or not he had the capability in the military field. Similarly, Napoleon Bonaparte’s government allowed many relatives to work in his government, and his brother José Bonaparte made him king of Spain.

However, the word nepotism is currently seen as preferring a job to relatives, friends or acquaintances in the public service , meaning that nepotism occurs when an official has only a kinship or a person who promotes it without taking into account that there are qualified and knowledgeable people who represent the position.

In meritocratic states , where merit attests to hierarchical-level promotion, nepotism is considered corruption . If the chosen person knows or knows and has sufficient qualities to work at work, nepotism would be only suspicion or distrust, otherwise nepotism will be confirmed if the nominee has no merit in performing the award well.

The main difference – Nepotism vs. Chronism

Nepotism and chronicity are two forms of favoritism between which a key distinction can be made. Let’s define the two words first. Nepotism is favoritism towards relatives or family members, especially by giving them work. Chronicity, on the other hand, is the favoritism that friends show when appointing new positions. As you can see, meanwhile , nepotism focuses on relatives; mainly family members, chronism focuses on friends . This is the most important difference between the two words. Let’s take a close look at the two concepts and understand the difference between the two words.

What is nepotism?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, nepotism is favoritism towards relatives or family members . You may also have heard many examples of whether family members or relatives were given the opportunity even though they did not have the required qualifications or qualifications. Nepotism takes place in many contexts, such as organizations, politics, and sometimes even religious contexts.

Originally, the word nepotism was rooted in the Middle Ages, where key religious figures such as bishops or popes appointed their relatives. In the modern world, however, nepotism is clearly visible in a political environment where politicians prefer their own family members and relatives. This mostly involves creating jobs or giving family members work and special privileges.

Nepotism creates unfavorable conditions in the workplace as it demotivates truly talented and skilled people when they realize that their promotion and career growth are hampered. This can even lead to low work performance and labor turnover.

What is chronicity?

Chronicity is the favoritism that friends show when appointing new positions. Like nepotism, skulls are very common in organisms. However, studies show that both nepotism and chronicity are higher in the government sector than in the private sector. It should be mentioned that even in the private sector, there is favoritism from the same school, the same university or college, and so on.

In chronicity, a person who has authority abuses his power and promotes a friend to a position even though he is not qualified for that position. Some believe that beyond the favoritism of a friend, the real reason for such actions is the ally. Chronicity can take place in both political and organizational contexts. Cronyism in a political context is the result of a political agenda designed to promote a weaker individual who is unable to threaten his power. As you can observe, there is a clear difference between nepotism and chronism. This can be summarized as follows.

What is the difference between nepotism and chronism?

Definitions of nepotism and chronism:

Nepotism: Nepotism is favoritism towards relatives, especially by giving them work.

Chronism: Chronicity is the favoritism that friends show when appointing new positions.

Characteristics of nepotism and chronism:


Nepotism: In nepotism, favoritism is shown by relatives.

Chronism: In chronicism, favoritism is shown to friends.