October 14, 2024


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Do Your Genes Make You Hate (or Love) Exercise?

A recent news story discovered that our genes may affect the extent to which we likes to exercise.

The headlines read as follows:

“Genes May Dictate How Much You Like Exercise.” (WebMD.com)

“Do You Hate Working Out at the Gym? You’re Not Lazy, It’s Genetic, Scientists Claim” (DailyMail.com)

“Hate Exercise? Maybe It’s in Your Genes” (Mercola.com)

“Hardwired to Hate Exercise” and “Don’t Want to Go to the Gym? Blame Science!” (WallStreetJournal.com)

“It’s Not Your Fault If You Hate Exercise. Blame Your Mom.” (Cosmopolitan.com)

In the majority of health-related content There are two primary errors that are made in this type of article: (1) Oversimplification of findings from studies to create catchy headlines (there are several examples above that don’t make this mistake) as well as (2) the standard journalistic error in “burying the lead.”

What’s All the Fuss?

The University of Georgia study started with rats that were selectively bred to be active and fit, or not fit and inactive.

They observed different levels of dopamine in the two groups. They later, began the clinical trial that focuses on approximately 3,000 adult human subjects.

The results showed that around 25% of people were affected by genes that hinder the release of dopamine.

Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters (a chemical messenger that is found in the brain) which is the reason we feel desires, drives, motivation and to a lesser extent reward.

Another error is made in the research and in the remarks made by the researchers: describing dopamine as an “pleasure” neurotransmitter is not entirely accurate. Dopamine’s main function is helping us decide what we want to do and what we want to achieve.

It forces us to go for what we value most.

Its contribution to pleasure is short-lived and quick Its role in creating desire is more extensive and lasts longer.

The bottom line is: Dopamine is less responsible for the three minutes of joy after eating Ice cream than in the subsequent three days of hunger for more ice cream over the days to follow.

It’s not difficult to understand why the media was having an off day when they saw these results, and triggered the flurry of headlines over.

The overly simplified explanation is that you don’t have a choice in how much you enjoy or dislike exercise, and this isn’t the truth at all.

The study also revealed the fact that 25 percent of the people who participated in the study were carriers of genes that hindered production of dopamine which prevented the immediate rush of pleasure and the longer-lasting motivation to keep working out.

The second major issue is that the articles are buried the primary point. Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 pills are the most lush and well-known blue pills which are regularly used to treat Erectile disfunction.

Also the focus should have been at the point that the research showed that a large number of people do not like the notion that exercise is a common thing.

What is This Thing Called “Exercise”?

What exactly is “exercise?” What images are the first images that pop up in people’s minds when they think of exercise? Below is a snapshot of the most popular image result when you type “exercise” into a search engine.

It’s not difficult to imagine that a common person trying to achieve any sort of fitness success could be attracted by these pictures.

Most people don’t like being in a gym packed with strange equipment or in exercise classes with a group in which the music is loud and loud and it’s as if everyone is more fit and healthier than you. But these are people’s most common perceptions of exercise.

When you perform activities that you like and feel happy, you are feeling good. If you exercise or move in ways you don’t like and don’t like, you’ll feel uncomfortable.

If the idea of “exercise” is something you hate, you’ll not gain satisfaction from this type of physical exercise (and you might not receive the same benefit as well).

The researchers involved in this study were aware of this. Here is the comment of the principal researcher, Rodney Dishman, PhD:

“If you’ve not found something enjoyable whether it’s the activity itself or with the people you’re working with, you shouldn’t have any reason to do the activity.

When people begin viewing exercise as an obligation or a duty it’s not the best way to sustain exercise.

This puts users in constant states of discontent.”

It’s that simple. As I’ve often said that you don’t need to love exercise to enjoy it However, you need to have an interest in it.

The principal message of this research is that if aren’t a fan of exercise, that type of exercise might not be suitable for you.

The body needs physical exercise.

It is true. Your tissues work better when they are moved the right way. Your skin appears better and your brain function better and you feel better doing everything you perform.

Though some people might be genetically allergic to broccoli, there isn’t anyone with an innate hatred for all vegetables.

There are no fish with a genetic aversion to water.

We are not able to be born with an all-encompassing dislike of what helps us live longer and improves our health. A lot of our displeasures stem more of a result of education than genetics.

At the conclusion, the research shows that the common notions of fitness (as illustrated above) can only be used for less than 20% of people.

Living With Less Dopamine

If you’re one who is genetically less motivation to make physical activity an integral part of your daily life and experience less satisfaction from it It becomes much more important to make sure you do “what” you do right for you.

If you suffer from dopamine deficiencies that are genetic and experience less pleasure from certain activities such as sports, finding the best kind of fitness for you is crucial.